Unity,Trust, Family (1)

Birthday Time

Celebrating our 29th birthday!

Community Projects

Greytown Feeding Project

Aheers prides ourselves in providing the community with as much relief as possible in terms of food and nourishment.

Birthday Celebration!

Our 29th Birthday! Come and celebrate with us in store with our promotions and specials, along with competitions where anyone can win!

Cupcakes For Hope


Cupcakes For Hope

Selling cupcakes for cancer relief for children. We take pride in all of our community projects that we get involved in and this is no exception, we do our best to assist the community.

Easter Egg Hunt

We love to share in joy and happiness! There is always plenty of joy and happiness to be found with our Easter Egg hunts! the kids love it and so do we!

More Community Projects to be uploaded soon!